Welcome to I Love Daffodils

Lots of daffodils!

Welcome to a web site inspired by the I Hate Daffodils movement here in the UK.

I Love Daffodils is a site dedicated to the wonderful Daffodil. A flower so pretty and versatile that I think the more we see, the better! I look at daffodils of all kinds and smile. Cool

For me, Daffodils are the perfect flower because:

  • They are gorgeous to look at
  • Come in all shapes, colours & sizes
  • Are hardy - even I've managed to grow some despite a grey-squirrel attack on their bulbs
  • You can buy a bunch of cut daffodils for a £1 - excellent value for money to bring a burst of sunshine into your home
  • And planted daffodils come back year after year - they are the flower that just keeps on giving

I appreciate the arguments for woodlands and the countryside, but think roundabouts and verges are the perfect places to cheer people up on what can be a gloomy commute to work.

Thanks for visiting!

Alex Kent
Eastbourne UK


  • Claire Kenyon, Brighton UK - "I like daffodils because they herald the beginning of Spring and it's going to start getting warmer!"
  • Silvia Hartmann, "I like daffodils because they're like little golden stars and look happy." Eastbourne UK
  • Aimée Thacker, Brighton UK - "I like daffodils because they are a like little balls of sunshine!"
  • Terry Lynch, New Jersey, USA - "I LOVE Daffodils! I love daffodils because they bring such joy to our countryside and herald spring when other flowers become dessert to the local deer and rabbits. They have such power through their energy field that the big powerful bucks and deer turn away! The only flower in our area that can do that! Leaving sunlight patches of yellow scattered throughout...WOW!!!!"
  • Kim Bradley, UK - "When I see the Golden Heads of Daffodils poking up through the ground I immediately get a lift from it.  I feel a Spring in my step, I feel that the warmth of spring sun is only a footstep away.  Even the miniature daffs give me a smile as their tiny flower heads sneak up only just a few inches high.  I feel like my energy is coming out of hibernation and time for wonderful new things to excite me this year!"

Daffodils in a tub - Alex 1, Squirrel 0

Support The Humble Daffodil!

Support The Humble Daffodil!

Show your support for the humble daffodil that gives joy to so many each year without a fail by adding the "I love daffodils!" Logo to your blog, website or spacenode.

Simple copy and paste html for the small and medium sized I love Daffodils! badge here.

Posted Apr 14, 2010 11,564 Reads More Daffodils -->

Free Daffodil Backgrounds For Websites, Spaces & Blogs

Free Daffodil Backgrounds For Websites, Spaces & Blogs

Bring eternal spring to your website, spacenode, myspace, twitter or blog with these lively free daffodils seamless repeating background tile images courtesy of our daffodil loving friends from http://1-background.com Wink

Posted Apr 14, 2010 40,160 Reads More Daffodils -->

Wordsworths Daffodils

Wordsworths Daffodils

Of course we had to have THIS - the Daffodils poem by William Wordsworth  ...

I wandered lonely as a cloud ...

Beautifully read by Jeremy Irons.

Posted Jul 3, 2010 17,213 Reads More Daffodils -->

Daffodils As A Herbal Cure

Daffodils As A Herbal Cure

The chemical principles of the Daffodil have not been investigated; but a yellow volatile oil of disagreeable odour, and a brown colouring matter, have been got from the flowers.

Arabians commended this oil to be applied for curing baldness, and for stimulating the sexual organs.

Posted Jul 3, 2010 12,819 Reads More Daffodils -->

Daffodil Photos Spring 2011

Daffodil Photos Spring 2011

They're here again! Here are some photographs of this year's daffodils, all bright and new and for the first time.

It's 2011, spring, and the daffodils have appeared - we love daffodils!

Posted Mar 22, 2011 16,126 Reads More Daffodils -->

Daffodil Party - Daffodil Photos 2013

Daffodil Party - Daffodil Photos 2013

This has been the coldest spring as long as I can remember (and I am VERY old!).

Snow on Easter ... and beyond. Still, the daffodils are not discouraged and on this day, they were having a party ...

Posted Apr 12, 2013 9,459 Reads More Daffodils -->

First Daffodil 2014!

First Daffodil 2014!

March 3rd - And here's the first daffodil we've seen this year. Very mild winter with crazy storms but only a single night of frost so far on the South Coast UK. Last year this time, we had a snow storm and cars were lining the verges, abandoned ... Daffis say it's not going to happen this year?

Posted Mar 7, 2014 25,819 Reads More Daffodils -->

22022022 First Daffodils In Eastbourne!

22022022 First Daffodils In Eastbourne!

This lovely picture was taken by Zoe Hobden in Eastbourne! Daffodil vitality in all its glory, spring is now on its way! 

Posted Feb 25, 2022 3,495 Reads More Daffodils -->
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